EN HealthMotiv
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Legal notice


As a visitor and user of our website, we want your navigation to be a positive and safe experience.

Therefore, we have established some rules of use to preserve the rights of all users.

Transparency: you must know who the owner of this website is.

As Healthmotiv uses electronic means to carry out part of its activity and in accordance with the Spanish Law  34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (LSSI), you will find below the information concerning the owner of this website:

Owner of the website: HEALTHMOTIV S.L.

VAT Number: B-85168417

Address: Calle Profesor Waksman, 10 - 28036 Madrid

Contact details: healthmotiv@healthmotiv.com

Registration information: Society registered in Registro Mercantil de Madrid al tomo 24.569, de la Sec. 8 del Libro 0, Folio 101, Hoja M-442166, Inscripción 1.

Who are the users of this website?

Any person who accesses this website or uses it is considered as a user.

Below you will find the general terms and conditions concerning the use of the website.

However, depending on the area you are visiting, there may be more specific rules that we will let you know any time it is necessary. Our main purpose is that you know how we will use your personal data.

As a user of this website, regardless of your profile, you accept the rules that govern its use and the use of each one of its sections.

The lack of knowledge of this section does not exempt you from liability.


Healthmotiv is committed to preserve and custody your personal data in accordance with the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999 December 13th and to act with the highest transparency.

At the same time, you commit yourself to make an adequate use of our website and not to make an illicit use of it in order to avoid any damage to Healthmotiv or third parties. The damage caused to Healthmotiv or third parties due to a misuse of this website is your responsibility.

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

In order to access some sections or to use our services, you will be requested to provide personal and/or sensitive data by the means of forms or emails.

The data will be stored in automated files of which Healthmotiv is the controller and processor. It undertakes to ensure the safety of the personal and sensitive data in accordance with the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999 December 13th.

We guarantee maintenance of such security measures, and of any others that may be imposed on it, of a technical and organizational nature, as necessary to guarantee the present and future security of the personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing thereof or access thereto.

Nonetheless, we must inform you that, in spite of the security measures that have been implemented according to the current law, Healthmotiv cannot guarantee that there will be no illicit use of this website and/or of the data stored in it made by third parties. For that reason, Healthmotiv does neither guarantee nor assume any responsibility for the damages caused by the alteration, loss, disclosure, unauthorized or illicit use of the users’ personal data made by third parties.

You are committed to update the data you provided to Healthmotiv. The user will be responsible for any damage that Healthmotiv may suffer owing to a lack of veracity, exactness, validity and authenticity of the provided data.

Healthmotiv website uses Cookies

A "cookie" is a piece of information that our website transfers to your computer hard drive.

Cookies are used to expedite the navigation through our website.

Among other functions, they store your preferences for certain kinds of information so that you do not have to input it every time you visit our web site (language, for example).

If you access a private area after entering your username and password, your browser will remember that you already registered yourself and you will not be requested the access data again.

This will allow you to access  services or to carry out operations that are denied to users who have not identified themselves.

In anyway, you can delete the cookies stored in your computer or you can block them.

However, if you do not allow the use of the cookies, we cannot guarantee your access to all the areas to which you have the right to access.

Access to your Personal Area

If you are a beneficiary of our services, you may register yourself in our website and access your Personal Area.

For that purpose, you will be provided with a username and a password.

We remind you that, for your safety, access data are personal and untransferable.  You must watch over them in order to avoid their loss, theft, disclosure to unauthorized third parties and to avoid an unauthorized use of them.

You commit yourself to use your access data in a proper and diligent way. The illegal use of your access data is your responsibility.

Intellectual property

The intellectual property of this website and of all of its pages belongs to Healthmotiv.

The content of this website is composed of, including but not limited: texts, documents, video files, sound files, images, graphics, animation files, logotypes, trademarks, commercial names and any other sign that may identify Healthmotiv.

All the content of this website is subject to Healthmotiv’s intellectual and industrial property rights.

Exclusion of responsibility

Healthmotiv will do to its best to ensure the security of your navigation through its website. However it cannot accept any responsibility and/or liability for the unauthorized use of its website made by third parties.

Healthmotiv informs that it implemented the appropriate measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access. However it is not responsible for the damages caused by the possible presence of virus or other harmful items, introduced by third parties, that may affect your IT systems.

Governing Law

This website and its content are governed by the Laws of Spain, and any dispute relating thereto are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid.


We may update or change the content of this website at any time without previous notice.

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